How to use? (show more)
- Select the desired settings below
- Edit the contents of each of the boxes
- Character name is simple enough!
Just click on it and edit.
- Assuming portraits are enabled, just
click into the box and a file prompt
will open! You can find pictures to
use via the
GitHub repository
and download the images you want to
use! Any 106px x 106px is ideal.
To make it easier, you can
download the folder here.
Dialogue is a little harder, however!
Ensure that you press enter if your
dialogue takes up more than one line
to allow it to render properly
(unless you like squished text)
Also ensure your dialogue takes up no
more than three lines to ensure it
renders properly.
- Press the long "render" button.
- Get the image
- Press the large download button that
will appear, or
- Right click and copy image to clipboard!
Note: The whole input is only an
approximate to what will actually be rendered.